Sunday, March 30, 2014

Minestrone, now with Orca Beans!

Soaked and cooked, before going in the soup
Calypso, aka Orca, beans are just so beautiful.  I can never resist buying them when I see them, but then I end up not using them because I so rarely cook beans.  I must be experiencing a form of spring cleaning because I'm feeling like I need to clean out my pantry and my freezer to make room for new foods.  Last night I set a pound of the beans to soak and today made a double batch of minestrone soup.  I used 3 pints of vegetable stock and 1 of chicken stock, and all of the bean broth, and am canning 7 pints of soup.  There's still plenty in the pot for eating over the next day or so.
Mise en place

I'm now out of chicken stock and down to my last 2 pints of turkey stock; I guess I will need to make more chicken stock very soon.  There is also another pound of Orca beans to play with!

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