The holiday distribution of all the canned goods has begun, and I've managed to get a few packages in the mail today as well. I have one more package to finish and mail, and a few more to deliver, and I need to finish up the gifts for my work colleagues - I'm making a very large basket of foods for the nurses: jams, salsa and chips, caponata and chips, coffee K-cups, chocolates, fruit, cheese and crackers. Then I can distribute the neighborhood gifts, which I hope to do this weekend (it usually takes several trips).
As I've been working my way through the freezer I found a can of lobster meat, purchased when it was mismarked for $10 (usually it's much, much more! I'd bought a few and this was the last one). I decided to make
lobster mac and cheese, which was lovely, and made not only dinner for Monday but lunch for yesterday and more for today.
Today I'm making a batch of yogurt, which I'm hoping will go well. It's been the case in the past that I have had to use a new starter yogurt after several batches. Since I haven't had to do that in a while, every single time I wonder, will this be the time it doesn't grow?
I have about 36 jars going to work, and another 31 for friends and neighbors, and I keep adding to my list!