Looking toward Breckenridge from Copper |
skiing! This, plus the final push at work, and taking a class in Boulder, CO, explains why I have done almost nothing of note in the kitchen in the last month.
Well, that's not entirely true. We brought 1 jar of salsa and 2 jars of jam with us on the trip, and brought home 3 empty jars. We had our
usual go to meals, with a few variations. Since there were a few more people this time, I started with roasting 2 chickens. One chicken was dinner the first night with mashed potatoes and green beans, and the meat from the second chicken was the protein for the burritos another night. The bones all went into making soup, which was lunch for several days. We had BLT night, and pasta-with-Rick's-famous-lamb-sauce night, and went out for dinner one night. At that point, I left the crew and headed to Boulder for my class, and they were on their own with instructions to eat up whatever was left. They did pretty well, actually, only bringing back a little bit of food to my sister's place. My sister had been kind enough to buy all the groceries before we got there, which saved us a HUGE amount of time and effort. I think it was, quite possibly, more groceries than she'd ever bought at one time ever in her life!
While in Boulder, I
recertified as a Wilderness First Responder. It was an adventure! I was one of the three people who got to be doused in cold water and shoved out into the snow so the rest of the class could rescue someone with hypothermia. To be fair, I did kinda volunteer. It was fun, in a shivery sort of way.
I got home last night, and today involved a lot of quality time with the laundry machine and some time spent chipping away at the ice that covered half our driveway. I did make 2 loaves of bread, and I have a pork roast in the oven. I think we might use the last of the spiced crabapples on the roast. And preserved garlic. I can't wait for dinner!